Terms of Service

About copyright, a trademark right, etc.

  • The contents on this site (a document, a photograph, an illustration, an animation, a sound, a program, etc.) are protected by the copyright which Group BAM Inc. (hereinafter 'our company') and a third person have and cannot be diverted to some other purpose and reproduced without notice in our company.The contents on this site (a document, a photograph, an illustration, an animation, a sound, a program, etc.) are protected by the copyright which Group BAM Inc. (hereinafter 'our company') and a third person have and cannot be diverted to some other purpose and reproduced without notice in our company.
  • Since the logo of the currently used at this site is the trademark of our company, it cannot be diverted to some other purpose and reproduced without notice in our company.


  • Although our company has paid careful attention to become the information in which the information published to this site is newest and exact, as long as there is no special clear statement individually, it does not guarantee about validity, accuracy, etc. of contents of this site, and takes no responsibility.
  • Please understand beforehand that contents and URL of this site may be changed, interrupted or stopped without a preliminary announcement. Our company does not take responsibility regardless of a reason about any damage produced by discontinuation or stop of employment of change of the contents of this site, and this site.
  • It aims at the information service used as reference of investor judgment especially about investor information,It does not invite the stocks of our company to be purchased or sale. Please give me the terminal decision about investment so that it may be carried out in a user's own judgment.

About a link

  • As long as there is no agreement of our company separately, stretching a link to this site should cut down. Even if your company or you suffer damage from having stretched the link to this site without notice to our company, our company does not take any responsibility.
  • When the link is stretched from this site at sites other than this site (following 'other sites'), it does not mean that our company recommends use, the contents of printing, etc. of the other sites, and does not mean that special relations between other sites, or the administrator and our company of those, such as tie-up relations, are in any way.
  • Sites those links stretched to this site managed in the responsibility of the establishment person of a site. Therefore, please follow the use conditions of other sites in use of other sites. Our company does not guarantee contents of the other sites, and does not take responsibility about all damage accompanying the use.

Basic social media policy

  • BAMHUB (the 'Company') has set the following policy to enhance communication with its stakeholders.
  • In using social media, the Company and the employees of the BAMHUB strive to promote interactive communication with their stakeholders in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as well as with the BAMHUB Code of Conduct and the BAMHUB Charter of Corporate Behavior.
  • The Company and the employees of the BAMHUB fully acknowledge that information posted on the Internet is accessible by the general public, that information cannot be completely deleted once it is posted online, and that an individual's posting may impact the reputation of the BAMHUB. The Company and the employees of the BAMHUB always strive for responsible online behavior.

To all users of BAMHUB's official social media accounts

  • Company operates official social media accounts (the 'Official Accounts') for the purpose of enhancing communication with its stakeholders.
  • Information posted on the Official Accounts by the Company does not necessarily reflect the official announcements and/or views of the Company. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information provided on the Official Accounts. The Company's official views and announcements are available on its corporate website and in its news releases.
  • The Company may use the comments posted on the Official Accounts for any purpose including reproduction, processing, translation and creation of excerpts without the consent of the user of the Official Accounts ('User' or 'Users').
  • To ensure a sound communication environment, the Users are advised not to make comments of the following nature. The Company may delete the postings and/or block the User(s) when necessary.
    • Postings that contain false or misleading information
    • Postings that are deemed defamation or infringement of individuals' privacy rights and other rights
    • Postings that damage the reputation and/or trust of the Company, other Users or third parties
    • Postings by spoofing other individual's identity or by any similar means
    • Postings for commercial purposes
    • Postings that are deemed inappropriate by the Company
  • The Company will not be responsible for any disputes arising between Users or Users and third parties.
  • The Company may terminate or suspend the operation of any of the Official Accounts at its own discretion without prior notice to the Users.

Participe da BAMHUB

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